Who We Are


Drop-A-Line Publishing is an upstart company geared towards fulfilling your publishing needs. Be it a children’s book or a graphic novel for teens; a work of fiction or an autobiography; we have packages to choose from that we hope will cater to what you are looking for. While primarily aimed at those seeking literary publications, feel free to check out our range of services; you might find something suitable for you!



Ideas are beautiful things. By putting ink to paper (or keystrokes to word document), you have already done the hard part; we strive to help you cross the finish line. After bringing your creations and ideas to life, our aim is to help polish what you have and share it with the rest of the world.



Our operations are underlined by our core values below which we hope to extend to each and every one of our clients:

Companionship – We believe that life is confusing enough as it is without adding more to it. We understand that processes can get confusing at times, and so we aim to be with you with each step you take, providing our advice and recommendations. We want to partner with you in achieving your dream, and not just deal at an arm’s length.

Integrity – We believe that whatever you do is an extension of who you are. We strive to carry out our work to the best of our abilities, and we encourage our clients to aim for excellence too.

Perseverance – We believe that obstacles are a natural occurrence in life; what matters is how you address and overcome them. If you believe in what you have to offer, we’ll believe in it with you, and do what we can to help overcome your challenges.

Meaningful Expression – We believe that there is wisdom in choosing what projects to undertake. We are all for creativity, but we aim to filter our clients by working with those who seek to engage their audiences with an underlying motive that extends beyond simply the expression itself, and promotes ideas and ideologies that are not counterintuitive or immoral.

Improvement – We believe that there is a difference between contentment and complacency. In light of this, we are always looking for ways to improve our skills and service offering to ensure our suitability to meet your needs.


Click here to see the members of our team!