Poem Excerpt from ‘May The Meditations of My Heart…’ by Olufemi Ijaodola

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Hi Everyone!

Here is a poem taken from our latest publication, we hope you are encouraged by it. Don’t forget to share it with others, and grab your copy today if you haven’t already!




Oh pitiful soul in sorrows dwelt,
Whence forth is thine anguish felt?
Hope in the LORD, again, rejoice!
Harden not thy heart, harken to His voice,
The sweet waters that wash away pain
Deeply felt, but never again.
Trust in the LORD who keeps thee safe,
And dwell with Him always, in the secret place.
Mountains may crumble, oceans may rise,
But hope in the One who hears thy cries.
My wits may fail me, my emotions lead astray,
But with trust in Christ Jesus, all will be okay.



To grab your own copy of the book, head on over to Amazon or the iBooks store.

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