Drop-A-Line’s First Publication

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Hello! We are pleased to bring to you our first ever book! ‘May The Meditations of my Heart…’ by our very own Olufemi Ijaodola is set for release on June 12th, 2016. The blurb from the back of the book is given below:


About The Book

What started out as random emails and messages to encourage friends and family soon grew to be something more. This book is a collection of encouraging words, challenging thoughts, and transparent accounts the author hopes will inspire and strengthen whoever is willing to read. Also included is a selection of poetry written and illustrated by the author.


About The Author

Olufemi is an aspiring writer, poet, and contributor to www.TheHumblePage.org. Trying to apply his love for writing, he has gone into other ventures such as songwriting and playwriting to further polish his craft.


It will be available primarily via Amazon (both print and kindle versions—kindle already available for preorder). Be sure to save the date, spread the word, and prepare to make history with us!

Until then…


~Never stop being creative~

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